

taking hours out of your day to paint is an amazing feeling. it's great just being in the "zone" and make something you want to make. 

i finished two paintings today! i'm hoping to finish at least one more for first friday.

i'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

spring cleaning

decided to clean up my studio and sell some things for our neighborhood garage sale.  i feel so much better now that the clutter is gone and i have everything organized! i highly suggest doing some spring cleaning if you have the time. it's like christmas all over again..you are surprised with what you find. 

i've also been putting material together for classes i am teaching over the summer. should be a lot of fun. details to come.


commission work

i don't know how to feel about doing commission work. as an artist, i want to do the art that comes out of my own mind but yet i have to make money to be able to make this art. i like being able to make people happy by doing art that they enjoy but does it truly fill my artistic yearning? i think as long as i don't become an artist that solely does commission work i will be okay but it still seems unsettling. but i suppose in this economy i should suck it up until i can afford to paint what i want to.


a rewarding experience

its always great to meet people who actually want to meet you. today, i was at my gallery's reception and a woman came up to me and shook my hand and was thrilled to have the chance to meet me. she introduced me to her family and asked a bunch of questions about my interests and my art. it really makes you feel good, makes you feel like you are doing something right. i think it also makes you realize that there are people out there who do like what you do and to never doubt yourself. makes me want to quit my day job and paint all the time.  financially, that's not such a good idea. some day though.