
eggs and bacon?

Since the piece on the left here is called Because of Bacon, I get a lot of questions about it. It is not in fact named after bacon, the food. However, this makes me realize how much fun I can have in naming my paintings and how I'd like to become more mysterious. Every painting title does have a meaning though. Whether I am willing to share its meaning or not. The beauty of it is, the viewer can think it means whatever they want it to, which is similar to life and believing what we want to believe.

I like the open-ended aspect of these paintings. Makes them almost narrative but not definiate. Oddly enough, I could say the same for my life, in general. I think that is why I am drawn to painting the way that I do. I nudge at hints and clues but don't give an exact answer. The most important part of everything is to use your own judgement and imagination. Solve your own puzzle.

Because of Bacon was inspired by this fellow, Francis Bacon. His paintings got me interested in painting abstract and thinking about composition rather than subject matter. I owe all my work to him.

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