
Andreas Kocks

just discovered this German Contemporary artist, Andreas Kocks. his work is beautiful. i especially love his watercolor "stains". check out his work

Andres Kocks,  paperwork # 721W, 2007, 
watercolor and graphite on paper, carved, 30 x 22 inches, 76 x 56 cm


July Exhibition at Painted Desert Gallery

I am pretty excited to be a curator of an upcoming show at my gallery. Beyond the Second Dimension: A Sculpture and Installation Project has an opening reception next week. Friday July 2nd, 5 to 9pm. We are featuring artwork by Heather Heilman Loercher, Matt Shiley, Jennifer Blaisdell and Brent W. Collins.


taking on a new direction

i haven't had the time to work on any art until recently. i moved into a new apartment and i feel i now have a different mindset about my art. i've been looking a lot of max ernst and arshile gorky and realized that my work lacks depth. i've been working on a painting for about a week now and i think it is a vastly unique from any work i have ever done. not sure if this is because of a new location but it sure is making me feel like i've accomplisheds something.

pictures to come when i get internet access!